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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Consecutive Greed

Getting bribed has always been a sordid equation and mass manipulation at the same time. There could be many reasons for accepting a bribe but, what is making this trend common now-a-days? Answer is Inflation which has been criticized with mass protest blaming x, y, and z yet, the loophole overlooked. All corruptions begin from or lead to a vicious business of monetary transactions and the media showering of politically opinionated discussions.
Apart from the manifold consequences of inflation, one hardcore drill is a question generally occurring in the subconscious state – why one needs a bribe? Bribing is at times a synonym of aristocracy but the situation of accepting bribe is the pre-occupied brain where the devil builds a workshop gradually.
If we begin with price-rise, each one of us is facing it and many are compromising to overcome this. It didn’t begin just yesterday, it has been here growing since years and the society has and is trying further to configure itself to cater to their basic necessities to begin with. The easy mode of decomposing the worries of inflation is the obvious trend of accepting bribes.
Let me take you to the world of a simple man named Human who had an honest income with a govt. job. He gets married to a beautiful lady and is blessed with 2 kids only, obliging to family planning needs. The kids grow and go to a value added school where the other kids of his society also go. May be a mismatch but has to manage his ego too. Every year the increasing school fees, extra large school expenses often demanded by school authorities for this and for that and also keeping his wife and family happy seemed to be his growing priority. Oh! It is just hard to protest the honesty of this simpleton. For the love of his family Human surrenders his commitments towards his job and refuses to deliver priority until a crispy package is sneaked beneath his working desk. Is he right! He has to meet the day to day expenses which his regular income cannot buy. Here Human ceases to be what his name implies or would be right to say that he grows to Desire.
Where did he go wrong? He has 2 kids which is advisable, a white collar job rendering a handsome income and a thoughtful decision before beginning with a family life. Then why was it difficult to send the kids to school, buy the basic necessities with this income? Thus his morbid journey which began with requirement then gradually became greed and more greed and on and on… and finally a habit. There is perhaps no ending to this for it is a vicious circle gripping so many to its fold. The situation around has seasoned this man in its flavor which is so strong that humanity is liquidated. Now he has a consistent habit and no regrets for this. With his habituated greed, he tarnishes off any obstacle with the same rule of bribing.
Going back to the point of his growing requirement, is there a way where we can give a different twist to the story? In the face of inflation can we keep his honesty intact? Perhaps someone from you can answer this!  You never know when you become a victim.

1 comment:

www.girish for you.com said...

This blog reminds me of one of my tweet that says'Never pine for what you have not earned;never allow your need to transgress into greed'.I think one should learn to live within one's means... difficult but possible.Bribery would then have its natural decline.